Rebecca Le

Why you should be using Database Cleaner's `deletion` strategy

Feb 1, 2015

me: Your regularly scheduled reminder that Database Cleaner's deletion strategy is so much faster than the truncation strategy.
my coworker: You should write a blog post about it!
— from Twitter

One of the Rails apps I maintain at work has always had an amazingly slow Cucumber test suite. And when I say amazingly slow, I mean really amazingly slow:

91 scenarios (91 passed)
545 steps (545 passed)

It's so bad that I don't run the Cucumber tests, ever. If it's going to fail, our CI server will pick it up - I won't. No-one has ever known why they were slow - they were nearly all written several years ago, when Cucumber was just becoming popular, and it seemed to be taken for granted that it was just 'one of those things'.

When doing some major refactoring lately I needed to run the Cucumber tests repeatedly, while rewriting some of them and fixing others. I thought I was going to lose my mind while waiting for them, so I decided to take the time out to look at why they were so slow.

I started with the env.rb file, which holds the configuration for the test suite. Abridged, it looked like this:

Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(Rails.root,'spec','support','blueprints','*.rb'))].each do |f|
require f

Capybara.default_driver = :webkit
Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit

# For those pesky tests that don't work with capybara webkit.
Before '@selenium' do
Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium

After '@selenium' do
Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit

Capybara.server_boot_timeout = 50
SunspotTest.solr_startup_timeout = 20

DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
rescue NameError
raise "You need to add database_cleaner to your Gemfile (in the
:test group) if you wish to use it."

Before do

It looked fairly innocent (apart from "those pesky tests that don't work with capybara-webkit"), but my eyes zeroed in on the Database Cleaner configuration.

I have a love-hate relationship with Database Cleaner, especially in the last few months. I've done a lot of reading about why it works sometimes and not others, and what's the best way to configure it, including this post by Avdi Grimm. One article I read (I thought it was that one, but apparently not...) mentioned that some people get better results with the deletion strategy, while some people swear by truncation. So I thought I'd try the deletion strategy instead - what harm could it do, except perhaps waste another 15min of my time?

Changing that one configuration option had an astonishing effect:

91 scenarios (91 passed)
545 steps (545 passed)

That's a saving of nearly 10 minutes on a 15min test suite. But why is it such a radical difference???

This app is using PostgreSQL as its data store, and I suspect that the two commands run by the two different strategies (DELETE FROM products vs TRUNCATE products) don't do the same thing in PostgreSQL. This post on StackOverflow (and the subsequent discussion on the PostgreSQL performance mailing list) is a great explanation of exactly what the two commands do, and how they differ.

The tl;dr version of the threads are as follows:

TRUNCATE would be the better approach, for database consistency, efficiency and cleanliness, but for our testing purposes, do we really need it? We don't.

So for all uses of Database Cleaner, I believe that the preferred cleaning strategy in all of your Rails apps should be deletion, not truncation. See how much time you can save in your test suite runs!

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